Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wonderful Jordan

Jordan has been the stage of continuous inhabitation for more than ten millenniums. It has a large share of the events mentioned in both the Bible and the Quran, adding more to its geographical, historical and cultural values.

The Rose Finch, national bird of Jordan 

Situated in the west of Asia forming a link with the north of Africa through the Sinai desert, geographically Jordan is the southern part of what’s known as Greater Syria and the north of the Arabian Desert.  The significant position of this region was the reason for many states and communities to settle and benefit from. Perhaps the most fascinating story of all is the one connected with the Nabataean Petra, or Metropolis Arabia as the Romans used to call it.

The Monastery in Petra

Traces of prehistoric periods have been and are still being revealed. Some of the first settlements of the first agricultural communities thrived here. As acknowledged by archaeologists; these were the first sparks of civilizations stretching along the Fertile Crescent making the first steps towards the progress of mankind. This all became possible after the decline of the Ice Age some 13,000 years ago, and the good climate conditions within the region; allowing many kinds of the known domesticated animals to find a convenient habitat. This abundance was the fuel for inventions and creations by man.


The possibility of linking to Africa, Europe and the Mediterranean from the west, and India, China and Persia from the east made the region a stage for rivalries between great nations existing here. The Babylonians, Assyrians, Pharaohs of Egypt, Greeks and the Romans, all tried to have a foothold here; the reason was clear and logic, it’s the flow of merchandise and caravans routes through all directions, taxes and duties collected by states were major attributes of existence, and the result, hundreds and even thousands of places and landmarks of historical value, established by various periods and cultures in the region. Many of the sites in Jordan are listed in the UNESCO World Heritage sites such as Petra, Amra bath complex and the Baptism site on The Jordan.

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